If you inspect the type of program
now you can notice a third type parameter inside Effect
Since now we ignored the third type parameter, as it was always never
(no dependencies).
As we start to compose services together this third parameter will collect a union of all the dependencies required to run the program.
The best part (again) is type-safety. All dependencies are declared on the Effect
type. This makes sure that we get a compile-time error if we forget to provide a dependency when running the final program.
We get a type error if we try to execute runPromise
on program
import { Effect } from "effect";
import { PokeApi } from "./PokeApi";
const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const pokeApi = yield* PokeApi;
return yield* pokeApi.getPokemon;
/// 👇 Error here
Type 'PokeApi' is not assignable to type 'never'.
That's because every run
method in effect requires the third type parameter to be never
, meaning that all the dependencies have been provided.
export const runPromise: <A, E>(
effect: Effect<A, E, never>,
options?: { readonly signal?: AbortSignal } | undefined
) => Promise<A> = _runtime.unsafeRunPromiseEffect
How do we provide a dependency? That's the next step!